Not just a number

She left work months ago to rest after a return of her breast cancer.  She went to Singapore to spend time with family and friends and she prayed and prayed to the Buddha.  “If I still have value here, please let me stay.  If I am just a waste of resources, then I will go.  […]

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Double date

Not the fun kind with jumbo tubs of popcorn and Cards Against Humanity.  I mean when you go on a date and ten minutes into it realize you’ve already been on this date with this person.  And he lied to get laid and then disappeared. I knew his face.  “You’re very familiar,” says me.  We […]

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The loyalty of leaving

When I was younger, I felt deeply and strongly that if you love someone, you never leave them.  You stick by them, you help them, you accept them, you do anything for them, you give them anything you have.  I now believe with even more fervent depth and strength that there is a higher love […]

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The spiral of grief

“For in grief nothing ‘stays put’.  One keeps on emerging from a phase, but it always recurs.  Round and round.  Everything repeats.  Am I going in circles, or dare I hope I am on a spiral? But if a spiral, am I going up or down it?  …how often will the vast emptiness astonish me […]

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Love is a giver

I used to only know entanglement and I thought it was love.  There was love in there, for certain.  Sometimes lots.  But it was a love I felt owed me things, heavy with expectations.  It was love designed for getting from.   This is different.  The love doesn’t change when he’s gone.  I still feel […]

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