Judgement is when we decide the value of someone or something based on our own assumptions or observations. Discernment is when we decide the value of someone or something TO OUR OWN LIVES and choose to embrace or ignore it. Judgement makes life smaller. Discernment makes life bigger. Judgement reduces value. Discernment raises and protects […]
Category: Health and happiness
How to find your purpose
Do what is in front of you. Then just keep going. Let’s all stop dreaming about abandoning our professional paths to go find our “passion”. In fact, let’s just get rid of that word entirely except for when it is followed by “fruit” and therefore delicious. It is a word that feeds the harmful expectation […]
Don’t mistake comfort for happiness
In western society, we are killing ourselves with comfort, searching for an elusive sense of happiness when what has the potential to bring us security, contentment, agency over our lives, and connection to people and purpose – is discomfort. “You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but […]
Don’t take advice from crackpots on the internet
This is my standing disclaimer for any stupid shit I advocate for on this site. Be smart. Listen to yourself and people you trust to help you make good choices. Don’t take advice from crackpots like me on the internet unless you’ve really considered and vetted your moves. That’s all.
It is not self-help. It is alchemy.
Helping yourself is about locking into the raw and bold truth of who you are and aligning it within everything you do and are. The truth of who you are doesn’t come from how you show up or what you do. It is what can only be described as your Self. And when you align […]
The terrifying prospect of being alright
Feeling not good enough is useful. There is safety in believing we are broken, and a lot of us work very hard to ensure life feeds us continual validation of our own insufficiency. Being not good enough gives us hope and control. As long as the size of my ass, heft of my bank account, […]
At some point, I ran out of things to hate about myself. Turns out I am just awesome.
Life used to be an endless parade of effort to fix and compensate for my destructive and reprehensible character traits. While it is tempting to believe that the only problem there was self-loathing, I don’t actually believe that was true. I was sporting a good portfolio of legitimately gross and crazy personal habits and challenges, […]
Talk therapy is dangerous bullshit
Handing your troubles over to a psychologist or psychiatrist is a dangerous way to deceive yourself and very likely get you more effed up, or at best, stalled out at a level of good enough. The smarter you are, the more dangerous it is. Here’s why. Talk therapy relies on the weakest and most recently […]
Not just a number
She left work months ago to rest after a return of her breast cancer. She went to Singapore to spend time with family and friends and she prayed and prayed to the Buddha. “If I still have value here, please let me stay. If I am just a waste of resources, then I will go. […]
The loyalty of leaving
When I was younger, I felt deeply and strongly that if you love someone, you never leave them. You stick by them, you help them, you accept them, you do anything for them, you give them anything you have. I now believe with even more fervent depth and strength that there is a higher love […]