The Guest House ~ Rumi

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.   A joy, a depression, a meanness some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.   Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He […]

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Saudade is all about missing.  In Portuguese, saudade describes a nostalgic longing for something lost or missing, but it includes a paradoxical happiness for having had that thing one longs for, and a splash of hope that it will be either found or the empty place left by it will otherwise somehow be filled again. […]

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Letter to M

December 4, 2017   Beautiful, incredible M, I have owed you an updated letter.  And while the original intent was to enrich the continually growing story of the impact you’ve had on my life (which only deepens with each chapter), with this letter I have something different, but equally loving to say. I know you […]

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Letting go of Christmas

I have gotten pretty decent at letting go of things.  I have data to support this assertion.  I swear I didn’t totally make it up. But thinking you have gotten pretty decent at something is generally an indicator of a big, hairy blindspot in which you enjoy your smug oblivion, sucking hard in clear sight […]

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Online dating is your ticket to enduring love and fulfillment.  You are just doing it wrong.

Let’s start by validating the second half, because that’ll be quick. You are doing it wrong.

Do you have enduring love and fulfillment?

IF YES: Then you are related to me and just reading this article to be supportive. Thank you and I love you.

Heart heart heart
You deserve love. Stop messing it up.
IF NO: Well then it seems clear that you aren’t doing a very good job of finding enduring love and fulfillment on Tinder, Christian Mingle, Adult Friendfinder. FarmerLove, or whatever. Since you don’t have it and whatnot.

I am going to give you three brilliant and compelling reasons that online dating is your ticket to enduring love and fulfillment, and then I’m going to tell you how to do it right in seven easy steps. And then you can just send me money and fruitcake. But not the shitty kind. The good kind.

Here we go.

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