Give up early. Give up often.

I believe in quitting.  I am a devout quitter.  Because every act of quitting is the powerful act of choosing something else.

Life is unconsumably large.  In our time here, we select a tiny subset of all that we could experience and we must, by design, leave the rest.  And much of what we leave out is wonderful, valuable, worthy.  But it doesn’t change the reality that there is more goodness than we can process in one life, so we are in a constant state of choosing, whether we are conscious of it or not.

If we are unconscious of it, things get chosen for us by circumstance and by other people.  We swallow what we are given.  We get used and manipulated.  We get controlled.  We get wasted, tired, and dull.

Beware the ridiculous conventional small-minded Pinteresty wisdom to “Never give up!”.  Bullshit.  Give up early.  Give up often.

Give up on what you are being fed or have decided to try at exactly the point when it stops working for you.  Put down the book that doesn’t speak to your soul.  Walk away from that movie that is going nowhere.  End the love affair that brings you comfort but keeps you small.  Stop the hobby you will never be great at.  Ditch the training regimen that fills you with dread each day.

Use all that love, energy, money, and time to do something that lights you on fire.

We all have things we can’t help but do.  Activities we will show up for through injury and lack of sleep.  People we will support through any hardship.  Authors who wake us up in the middle of the night to read a bit more.  And if you don’t have those things, then even more reason to sample through things as quickly as possible until you find them.  And to leave spaces open for them rather that jamming life full of defaults or good-enoughs so the powerfully meaningful things don’t have room to land.

Through the persistent act of quitting anything that is possible to quit, you build a life out of only what is best, keep open spaces for the mind-blowing and enriching things you haven’t found yet, and make available an enormously rich world of experiences which can be sampled and chosen – or not.

And never get life advice from Pinterest.  Quit that shit.

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